Home Management of Vertebral Compression Fractures
Scenario Scenario ID Procedure Adult RRL Peds RRL Appropriateness Category
Mid-back pain, new, hx of multiple vertebral compression fractures, initial imaging 3195999
MRI cervical and thoracic spine without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
MRI complete spine without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
MRI thoracic and lumbar spine without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
MRI thoracic spine without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
CT thoracic and lumbar spine without IV contrast
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
CT thoracic spine without IV contrast
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
CT cervical and thoracic spine without IV contrast
10-30 mSv

Usually appropriate
CT complete spine without IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
MRI cervical and thoracic spine without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRI complete spine without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRI thoracic and lumbar spine without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRI thoracic spine without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
Bone scan whole body
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
SPECT or SPECT/CT cervical and thoracic spine
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
SPECT or SPECT/CT complete spine
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
SPECT or SPECT/CT thoracic and lumbar spine
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
SPECT or SPECT/CT thoracic spine
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
FDG-PET/CT skull base to mid-thigh
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRI cervical and thoracic spine with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
MRI complete spine with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
MRI thoracic and lumbar spine with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
MRI thoracic spine with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT thoracic and lumbar spine with IV contrast
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT thoracic spine with IV contrast
1-10 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT cervical and thoracic spine with IV contrast
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate
CT cervical and thoracic spine without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate
CT complete spine with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT complete spine without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT myelography cervical and thoracic spine
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate
CT myelography thoracic and lumbar spine
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT myelography thoracic spine
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate
CT thoracic and lumbar spine without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT thoracic spine without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
CT myelography complete spine
30-100 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate