Home Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm or Dissection: Treatment Planning and Follow-Up
Scenario Scenario ID Procedure Adult RRL Peds RRL Appropriateness Category
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, post open repair, follow-up imaging 3196095
MRA chest abdomen pelvis without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually appropriate
CTA chest abdomen pelvis with IV contrast
30-100 mSv

Usually appropriate
MRA chest abdomen pelvis without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRA chest and abdomen without and with IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
MRA chest and abdomen without IV contrast
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
CT chest abdomen pelvis with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
CT chest abdomen pelvis without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv
10-30 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
CT chest abdomen pelvis without IV contrast
10-30 mSv
3-10 mSv [ped]
May be appropriate
CT chest and abdomen with IV contrast
10-30 mSv

May be appropriate
CT chest and abdomen without and with IV contrast
10-30 mSv

May be appropriate
CTA chest and abdomen with IV contrast
10-30 mSv

May be appropriate
US duplex Doppler aorta abdomen
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
US echocardiography transthoracic resting
0 mSv
0 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
Radiography chest
<0.1 mSv
<0.03 mSv [ped]
Usually not appropriate
Radiography chest abdomen pelvis
1-10 mSv

Usually not appropriate
Aortography chest abdomen pelvis
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate
CT chest and abdomen without IV contrast
10-30 mSv

Usually not appropriate